The Video Club: The Culture of Exchanging Videos through Phone
With millions and millions of mobile phone users around the world, theres no wonder that cellular phone manufacturers have continuously modified this little gadget from a simple communication device, to an essential multi-purpose tool. It now functions as a still camera, mp3 player, radio, ...
Explanation of Region Free DVD Players that Can and Cannot Play CD-R and CD-RW
The more advanced DVD players are capable of playing back a wide range of drives, besides just DVDs. The DVD players can play back DVD RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD audio, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, WMA, JPEG, MPEG 4, VCR, picture CD, SVCD, DVCD, and DivX. These DVD players are available with ...
So whats a Podcast and how can I use it on my Website?
So whats a Podcast and how can I use it on my website?If you are considering promoting your website on the internet, you might want to look at this great new method to add value to your site.Podcasting describes the use of audio and video on the internet, using RSS or syndication. A podcast is an ...
Regionfree DVD Players in Italy
NTSC and PAL SignalsThere are two kinds of output signals from DVD players. One is NTSC signals that come from NTSC-standard DVDs and another type of signal is PAL, which is the output of PAL-standard DVDs. Italy uses PAL video system, while other regions like North America use NTSC video system. ...
A Comparative Analysis of HD DVD Players
VHSThe arrival of the VHS (Video Home System) in 1976 marked the emergence of this field in the world. The video cassette became a house-hold name and was the preferred medium for home entertainment in the 70s, 80s, and in the early 90s. The VHS was capable of storing both audio and video formats ...
HD DVD Players: An Introduction
If we take a look at the way the home video technology has progressed over the years, we will be amazed at the extent to which it has changed in such a short period. The VHS (Video Home System) technology brought motion pictures into our living rooms and bedrooms. It was followed by the CDs, VCDs, ...
HD DVD Players in the UK
A Brief OverviewThe initiation of home video era in UK started with the VHS (Video Home System). This was the first affordable and highly popular home entertainment medium in the 80s. The VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) was used to playback these video cassettes, which consisted of a half inch ...
Add Audio to Your Web Site and Increase Your Sales up to 35%!
Ok, you've got your site built, you have traffic coming to it, a
good product at a reasonable price.... hmmm... what else do you
need?What else could increase your conversion rate?Audio!All right I know what you're thinking... "Why should I go to all
of the trouble of adding audio to my web site ...
Making Wholesale Electronics a Family Affair
These days, it seems that each person is helping himself or herself to a different slice of the digital pie. There's no doubt that the consumer electronics market is booming, and there's no end in sight. Yet, although it might seem that our lives revolve around various electronic gadgets, in my ...